How to reduce memory of decals in my game

I have a lot of decals and image labels in my game which take up a lot of memory. What is the most effective way to reduce the memory size of decals/image labels. Is it simply to compress the image file and then upload to roblox again? It may seem obvious but I was wondering if it may be more to it than just that. Any help regarding this issue would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks!

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I put everything in one image at grid, but I’m not pro to memory optimization.

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Thank you for your comment. Can you please explain exactly what you mean by this?

Well as you said you can simply optimise your images to reduce memory, and remember to use the correct format for your images like JPG, PNG…
Personally for optimise images I use
Remember to delete decals that the player can’t see and to enable content streaming :thinking:

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It assigned like this and i use Texture to move offset and scale it.

The one who created graphics sheet photo was me.

This is the method i use for the graphics for my game.

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To clarify this is called a texture atlas, it is only recommended to use it for icons