How to reduce the transparency when DevCameraOcclusionMode = Invisicam?

I mean, how, in my LocalScript I will interact sending this ignorelist table to my current hacked Invisicam script?


Use PlayerModule as I explained in my post before. It should be put into StarterPlayerScripts.

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Yeah, I already did and itā€™s working as I said before.
But my question now is how can I send my current ignore list table that is located in my Localscript to this hacked script.


Put the table in the hacked script, not in the LocalScript. Then, find where the Invisicam script uses the GetPartsObscurringTarget function and add the table to the second parameter.


I canā€™t, this table is generated and controlled by LocalScript and is vital for the game.
I already understand what to change in the Invisicam script, but I would just like someone to tell me how do I communicate my Localscript with the Invisicam script


Oh, I see. You may need to create ObjectValues in the Invisicam script through the local script. Then you can use the Invisicam script to go through all the object values, get the value, and add it to a table.


I wouldnā€™t call this a hacked script, itā€™s just an edited script.


Yeah, BaseValue objects is probably the best solution in this case, as you can seemlessly share data between scripts. Also, @rogeriodec_games , you can use unpack() function to easily integrate your blacklist into the blacklist table of Invisicam script:

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I havenā€™t tested it yet, but does it mean that if I have 1000 objects to blacklist, I will have to create 1000 ObjectValues?
I donā€™t know if this will be good for the gameā€™s performance.
This is getting more and more complicated.
It was supposed to be simple: make Invisicam be activated only for parts of the ceiling and walls, which are few.
In this case, instead of ignorelist, it would be easier to whitelist, as in the case of raycast.

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You can also use ModuleScripts.

True, Iā€™d use an ā€œifā€ statement for that. Check if a part is in the whitelist and make it transparent, or leave it normal if its not in there.

So it is.
Maybe now the solution is to use the ā€œeditedā€ (not hacked :smile:) Invisicam script just prevent the parts from being transparent, as the original @debugger57 solution.
And so, I should keep working on my local raycast solution so I can have more flexibility with a whitelist.


this didnā€™t worked, but i founded how to do that.

you can check out my post here