hey guys im making a water propulsion device for my game, and how it works is quite simple. All i do is just check the current state of the humanoid and then change the player speed if its “swimming”. Did this using a while loop, however now came the issue of adding animations (im still very new to working with animations).
Since animations need to be loaded through the animator, i needed to reference the character, however the character cannot be referenced outside of the function since the script will think im referencing the backpack. So what do you guys suggest i do?
Heres the code:
local handle = script.Parent.Handle
local idleland = script.Parent.IdleLand
local idlewater = script.Parent.Idlewater
local character = script.Parent.Parent
local animator = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid").Animator
local IdleLandTrack = animator:LoadAnimation(idleland)
local IdleWaterTrack = animator:LoadAnimation(idlewater)
IdleLandTrack.Looped = true
IdleWaterTrack.Looped = true
IdleLandTrack.Priority = Enum.AnimationPriority.Idle
IdleWaterTrack.Priority = Enum.AnimationPriority.Idle
while true do
if character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid"):GetState() == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Swimming then
character:WaitForChild("Humanoid").WalkSpeed = 60
handle.Sound.Playing = true
handle.Sound.Playing = false
character:WaitForChild("Humanoid").WalkSpeed = 16
character:WaitForChild("Humanoid").WalkSpeed = 16
Here’s how Ill do it: I’ll set the character variable to nil.
Now, just hear me out for a sec. When the tool is equipped, the character becomes the tool’s parent (you can see this in the studio). So, I’ll change the character variable from nil to tool.Parent when it’s equipped.
To keep things smooth and avoid any errors, I always check if the character is nil before using it.
but the problem with this is memory optimization (just make sure you disconnect the connection and it would be all good)
many people don’t disconnect defined connections which lead to memory leaks, which can lead to bad performance and make your game genuinely unplayable to players on a weaker device (ex: a phone), which makes you lose out on players who could love the concept of the game, but never really get to enjoy the game due to performance issues.
You can use :Once instead of :Connect, which will automatically disconnect the connection for you after the event is fired once (hence its name):
local tool = script.Parent
local character
tool.Equipped:Once(function() -- Use "Once" if you otherwise don't need to detect when the Tool is equipped
character = tool.Parent
print(character) -- For debugging purposes
i tried this out, and yea it works like a charm, idk if its optimized tho, heres the code:
local tool = script.Parent
local character = nil
if character == nil then
character = tool.Parent
local animator = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid").Animator
local idleland = script.Parent.IdleLand
local idlewater = script.Parent.Idlewater
local IdleLandTrack = animator:LoadAnimation(idleland)
local IdleWaterTrack = animator:LoadAnimation(idlewater)
IdleLandTrack.Looped = true
IdleWaterTrack.Looped = true
IdleLandTrack.Priority = Enum.AnimationPriority.Idle
IdleWaterTrack.Priority = Enum.AnimationPriority.Idle
if character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid"):GetState() == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Swimming then
elseif character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid"):GetState() ~= Enum.HumanoidStateType.Swimming then
if character ~= nil then
character = nil
I just made a seperate script for the animation part. I might tweak the whole system later, but for now this works.