I have yet to get one but when my game releases and I do get one I want to be prepared. I currently have no knowledge of how to remove a players data if I get a GDPR request, and some people on Twitter were unsure as well, so how would I do it?
One of the most common use cases for data stores is saving user data. Typically, you would set the key to the player’s user ID, and then the value to the save data like items/purchases/etc.
The GDPR request boils down to removing any data that stores information based on the player’s user ID, so you’d need to use DeleteAsync to delete their player data.
If you have something like a friends list saved per-player, then you may need to edit other player’s saves and remove the user ID from their friends list.
You can use the Lua data store API directly for this, or you can use Studio plugins like Crazyman32’s data store editor.