Pretty self-explanatory topic. Thanks to all who can help.
every single tween in the game? or in a specific folder or smth
Let’s say I want to end all tweens on a game.Workspace.Part
Maybe create all your tweens in a table and iterate through the table stopping all tweens when necessary.
local TS = game:GetService("TweenService")
local tweens = {
tween1 = TS:Create(),
tween2 = TS:Create()
-- play tweens with
-- stop tweens with
for i, v in ipairs(#tweens) do
How would I do this with ALL tweens in Workspace? Even ones that were created on different scripts.
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My solution would be to just make a global table or a metatable and store the tweens inside of it, have it stored in like the ReplicatedStorage in a ModuleScript and in whatever script you wanna do just do the code above
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