How to remove blue box around billboard gui

Okay so basically im making a game, but when I try to edit the billboard guis for usernames, the blue box around it does not disappear. When I click away and have it unselected, it does not go away. Any ideas?

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Is the GUI still selected in the Explorer window?

this been happening to me too when working with ui, so i think this is a bug

try selecting different GuiObject that you can’t see like a screengui or uicorner

I had origionally selected them, but when I unselected them, they still remained blue. in the picture, I have nothing selected, but it is showing the frame and both text labels as being selected. (the green health bar does not have the blue line around it because I did not select it at any point while in studio, else it would have it too)

It might just be a glitch in Studio.
ITT basics, close out and reopen Studio. lol

It’s a Roblox Studio Bug, and I think someone already reported this.

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