How to Remove Celestial Reflections on Parts?

So for this particular part I’m using the glass material because I need the optical refraction effect you get from that material. But the sun keeps reflecting off it, even when reflectance is at 0. It’s really annoying because my skybox has Celestial Bodies turned off, and the reflection is fully opaque without any glow or anything. So it’s just a giant white blob on all my glass parts.

Is there a way to stop it from reflecting the sun? It even reflects it while it’s in shadow and blocked by other parts.


Setting game.Lighting.Brightness to 0 will get rid of all lighting effects, such as the celestial reflection effect.


I’ll give that a go, but I do still want shadows and such

You can still have shadows. I just tested it in Studio and shadows are working. I am having the same problem as today, because I used to rely on setting game.GeographicLaditude to math.huge to achieve the same effect, but when I logged into studio today, the world was just black, so I was wondering the same thing today, since the reflections are actually breaking my game. So, I guess I just answered my own question, too! :slight_smile:

So I’m using the Shadow map technology. But when brightness is on 0, all shadow effects are gone. What settings do you use to get shadows working on 0 brightness?

I am talking about shadows on big parts like this:

Ohh. Yeah I notice that, but I’m trying to get shadow map working.

For a second I thought this post was attacking me, but i believe there is a plug in for this

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The reason I was wondering about this is because I wanted to get my image dithering system working:


Nice. I’m doing it for custom scopes. It’s really hard to get actual optical refraction and magnification on roblox without ViewportFrames. but the glass material works great:

But as you can see, that stupid sun blob is always there, no matter the direction I face.


Wow, I have had this SAME problem!!!
Apparently, it still shows even if the transparency of the glass is set to 0.99! This is dumb!

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Yeah, stop reflecting off our bricks lol :laughing:

I’ve found that grouping the glass and putting a humanoid in the Model helps a little bit.
Can I have the original model of the scope so I can do further testing?

Unfortunately no, it’s heavily scripted and valuable. But you can always test with just a glass sphere

I am talking about just the glass scope model that appears in front of the camera…
You can delete all the scripts attached, all I need is the raw bricks that make up the scope.
I am just asking for you to send me an rbxm with JUST the stuff that appears in front of the camera, nothing else, for it would make helping you out a lot easier.

EDIT: how about this, click on the sphere when playing in-game, undock the properties window and make it as big as you can and screenshot the properties window (Ctrl+Alt+Print Screen on Windows to just screenshot the current window, if the undocked properties window is focused, it will only screenshot the properties window.)
That way I can replicate the sphere just as you have it so I can test with that.
Also, do print(workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame) and copy the text in the output so I can see how far the glass is relative to the camera. If you could just do these two things, it would make helping you a lot easier. Thanks.

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Sorry for ignoring you there. Hadn’t hopped back on the forum for a bit. The issue is still present, the properties are:

Color: 255,255,255
CastShadow: Yes,
Material: Glass,
Reflectance: 0,
Transparency: 0.975

The part is a sphere that is like 1 stud in front of the camera at all times.

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Thanks! This helps me a little bit more, but I am still lacking the critical property:
What is the size of the sphere?
If you can answer this, I can look in to this more in my testing.
Thanks, also sorry for ignoring you as well.

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Already tried using ForceField?
it looks like glass and don’t has reflection

( The ForceField is the right one )

he want to get refraction. (000000)

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drop a shadow from a negative infnity forcefield part on your glass part, and you will get rid of these roughness effects