How To Remove Default Tool Animation

I was just wondering if you can remove the default tool holding animation, if so how would I do that?

Disable the RequiresHandle property of the tool → Rename any part called “Handle” → then you have to weld whatever you want via script and play animations, etc

Edit: Just reworded it so it makes sense.

Well, if you’re looking to override the animation with something more formal, look into this:

as well as the ‘priority’ feature while animating, make an Equipped function run the desired animation, and have it play until put away. For something with no animation at all, you’d most likely want to get all playing animations from the humanoid and stop them all when on Equipped.

Hm after disabling the RequiresHandle property it still has the default holding animation. Also if i change the name of the handle and then I go to equip the sword, the sword is invisible and then disappears from your inventory.

Its most likely that its not being auto welded to the right arm anymore. So the minute you equip it, it just falls into the void. You can test this by making your sword model can collidable, moving it above the baseplate or whatever, then testing and equipping your tool.

You should see that it appears but its not welded to the players arm. As I stated before you will have to manually weld it to whatever arm you want.

The tool only disappears if I change the name of the Handle, other than that the tool is fine its just that the default holding animation is overriding the current idle animation.

Do what I stated previously so you can visualize why the tool disappears. The default hold animation will only apply when there is an part called “Handle” inside the tool object.

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Oh I just understood what you said.