How to remove follower bots from your account


Back in 2020 my account received over 8,000 “follower bots” and I can’t find a way to get rid of them. The only way I have right now is blocking, but obviously you can only block 100 people and they seem to be put back in the following list once unblocked.

I wouldn’t usually mind this but it looks bad and it also makes me look bad considering only 350 of them are genuinely real people.

All help appreciated, thanks.

Sadly you won’t be able to remove them from following you. You could try contacting Roblox support to see if they would remove them from following you.

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Thanks I will try that. I’m worried they may also remove my genuine followers though… there’s no way of detecting them is there?

Sadly not. Though I think if support was to remove your followers you have to provide links to all the bot accounts you want to have unfollow you. Not 100% sure though.

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I dont think they would accept an email with over 8,200 links anyway. I wouldn’t risk them removing them all though. Usually they mess up my requests, they’ll probably assume I want to remove my entire account (like last time :joy: )

Roblox support might not be able to remove the botted accounts, you just have to deal with them for now.

(i cant name 1 thing roblox support helped me with)

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