How to remove Rosync virus?

I am having an issue where the RoSync virus is unable to be removed from the script. Despite how many times I attempt to delete the line of code in the script, it automatically closes the script and reinserts it immediately. The only way I can remove the virus is by deleting the script entirely. It is not possible to delete the line.

I have never seen this before, and no, I do not have any infected plugins.



I recommend using SteadyOn’s Instance Scanner or Server Defender to help you remove the scripts. You might have multiple of them roaming around which could be cloning backdoors. Other alternative is to do Ctrl+Shift+F and search for typical alien like terms used in backdoor scripts to locate them (including that require code shown in the image).


What I am saying is that whenever I try to delete the special character from the script, for some reason it forces me out of it. I am able to remove the virus itself but it’s like the script crashes when I try to delete the special character.

I was able to get the virus to be removed but this is really interesting on why it does this.

Was your game running when you were messing with the inside of the code? Like I said backdoors can clone themselves and cause many annoyances when you try to mess with them. It’s best to just delete the whole script regardless and copy whatever code you want to use if needed.

No, I was not test playing.

Oh! I made a Regex String to actually fix this.

i have never seen that before, but I can’t think of anything else that would have permissions to cause something like this other than infected plugins


(In Find All/Replace All)
Step 1:

Search: --\[\[ Last [s|S]ynced(.*)

Step 2: Click Regex Mode

Step 3: Make sure Replace has just a whitespace: " "

Step 4: (click Replace for each script, or Replace all.)

(Don’t do Replace All if there are more than 15 scripts, or it will crash.)

^ This REGEX, will highlight every single character after “–[[ Last Synced”

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My main account has no infected plugins, I also tested it on my alt account (with no plugins), and still the issue happened. its very strange

It can happen through assets and free models another collaborator’s infected plugins.

All it takes is one free model, or one plugin firing to infect every script.

If the code is constantly editing itself, it is very likely you have an infected plugin. I would disable every plugin you have installed, or alternatively, double check which ones you use and don’t, and remove the ones you don’t know or use.

While running experiences in Studio can run scripts that duplicate more of itself, it is not possible for a regular script to execute like that in Edit mode. Plugins definitely seem like the culprit here.