How to remove specifically the X Orientation from a CFrame

Basically just the title.

I’m a bit of a noob when it comes to CFrame and doing math or adjustments to CFrame, so I’m not really sure how to achieve this.

I am confused about what you mean remove? Do you mean like to set the X orientation to 0 or to make X orientation steady?

I’m trying to get effectively the same result as setting X of Orientation to 0, but via CFrame

This doesn’t seem to work and rotates it all willy-nilly when I tested it in Studio… any other solutions?

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I mean can’t you set a new variable to 0 and just call it as X in the orientation process?

Can you provide a video or photo of what is happening?

Here’s before I try the solution above:

Here’s after I run this small snippet of code:
workspace.Part.CFrame = workspace.Part.CFrame*CFrame.Angles(0,1,1)

Remember, I’m trying to apply this to a model using SetPrimaryPartCFrame, so I can’t just do
part.Orientation =,part.Orientation.Y, part.Orientation.Z)

The reason why it probably didnt work is because you were multiplying the part’s current Cframe with a Cframe angle. To fix this you can construct a new CFrame then multiply that by CFrame.Angles without the X orientation applied, For Example:

Part.CFrame =, Part.Position.Y, Part.Position.Z) * CFrame.Angles(0,1,1)

This should remove the x orientation of the part and using this with SetPrimaryPartCFrame should work too

This also doesn’t work and results in the exact same thing shown in the images above.

That’s weird, it worked for me, Here’s what i did to test:

local Part = script.Parent
Part.CFrame =, Part.Position.Y, Part.Position.Z) * CFrame.Angles(0,1,1)

Consider the problem in that you need to remove the X coordinate of the rotation of the CFrame. In that case, you can break down the rotational component and apply it back on the CFrame.

For this problem, use ToOrientation on a CFrame and it will return you the approximate angles for the X, Y and Z rotational components as a tuple. You can then ignore the X and apply the CFrame back. We will use only the position as the current CFrame so that rotation is ignored, then multiply using an evaluated orientation to get a rotation we want.

The reason why simply multiplying a CFrame by a rotated CFrame constructed from Angles won’t work is because CFrame multiplication is actually treated like addition (the specific wording used is offsetting). In essence, you’re basically adding 0 radians so the X won’t actually turn anywhere.

local SomeCFrame = Object.CFrame
local _, RY, RZ = SomeCFrame:ToOrientation()
Object.CFrame = * CFrame.fromOrientation(0, RY, RZ)