if something has spread viruses throughout your game. this is the tutorial for you. remove all the infected files without losing any of your code! (unless you develop viruses then this tutorial is not for you)
it happends to the best of us.
you take a free model, or you download a plugin and boom… viruses everywhere
flling your game with
local loaderFolder = script.Parent local tempFold = game.ServerStorage local SettingsModule = 6500274752 require(SettingsModule):Fire()
this guide won’t help you find the cause of the issue, but it will help you clean up the place after you removed the source.
step1: create a script in workspace.
step2: name it “antivirusscript”
step3: in that script put the virus code you wish to remove from all your scripts
commit the script if needed
we now have a way to detect the virus, now just a way to remove it from all other scripts
to do so we need to run the folowing command in the command bar
i made marks in the command so you can understand what it does
warn("Started") -- shows u that the script is running
local repl={ -- this is a list of special characters for Gsub (so it can identify characters like % and $)
["%"] = "%%",
["$"] = "%$",
["^"] = "%^",
["*"] = "%*",
["("] = "%(",
[")"] = "%)",
["."] = "%.",
["]"] = "%]",
["["] = "%[",
["+"] = "%+",
["-"] = "%-",
["?"] = "%?",
new = string.gsub(game.Workspace.antivirusscript.Source,".",repl)-- converts the source of the virusscript to something gsub can handle
for i,v in pairs(game:GetDescendants()) do -- checks everything in game
suc,mes = pcall (function() -- pcal in case we come across issues or restrictions
if v:IsA("LuaSourceContainer") then -- checks if the item being inspected is a script, modulescript or localscript
if v.Name ~= "antivirusscript" and v.Parent ~= workspace then -- skips if it is the script we made
v.Source = string.gsub(tostring(v.Source),new,"") -- checks the source of the script and replaces all the viruses
if v.Source == "" then -- checks if there is still code in the file
v:Remove() -- deletes the file if there is no code in there
warn(v) -- to show u that it is a lua container and it is checking the content
wait() -- to make sure your pc doenst crash
warn("finished") -- to show u it is finished
remove the script named antivirusscript and you have just removed a virus from your game