How to Repeat until table is empty?

Basically there are 3 rooms, it randomly picks one, after it picked one, it should remove it from the table and then pick again and again until no rooms are left.

What am I doing wrong?

local LevelOne = workspace.GameLevels.LevelOne
local TableOne = {LevelOne.Room1, LevelOne.Room2, LevelOne.Room3}

function start(player)
		for i = 1, #TableOne do
			local Room = TableOne[math.random(#TableOne)]
			if TableOne[i] == Room then
				table.remove(TableOne, i)
	until TableOne == {}

Can we see the error? We can trace it.

There is no error, it just keeps repeating

Change to


Still doesn’t work. Any other ideas why?

If I’m correct, an empty table will return false. So try to use that as an advantage…

I believe it’s because of this condition.

TableOne will never equal {} because {} is an entirely new table that is created with a different reference and so this reference will not equal to the initial TableOne

*Something like printing a table will get you the table reference
Example print:

> print({})
table: 0x17712d4e10846c43
> print({})
table: 0xfe11598a8307b803
> print(#{})
> print({}=={})

Perhaps you can do this measuring for when the length of the table is 0 meaning there should be nothing in it.

until #TableOne == 0
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Great point but it’s still not stopping, I believe the table.remove isn’t working properly

I added a teleport function and it keeps teleporting to the same room even though technically it should’ve removed it from the table

Is the function being fired? I don’t see start() anywhere.

There are a few issues with your code, and I’ll explain why step by step:
Issue 1:

for i = 1, #TableOne do
 local Room = TableOne[math.random(#TableOne)]

You’re giving i the value “i” the size of the table “TableOne” and that’s fine, this means the “i” value will take values from 1 to 3 in this case. You’re also assigning “Room” with a random value in “TableOne”, which is perfectly fine, but you have to keep this in mind.

if TableOne[i] == Room then
	table.remove(TableOne, i)

Now here’s the main issue, TableOne[i] is the value that’s currently iterating so this means it may never be true since Room could be any other value, therefore the table could never get empty.

Issue 2:

until TableOne == {}

This will always return false, since you’re actually asking the VM whether these 2 tables have the same memory address, the latter is a completely separate table which has no associations with the former one.


local LevelOne = workspace.GameLevels.LevelOne
local TableOne = {LevelOne.Room1, LevelOne.Room2, LevelOne.Room3}

function start(player)
		local number = math.random(1,#TableOne)
		local Room = TableOne[number]
		table.remove(TableOne, number)

		--Do your stuff here after it gets a room
	until not next(TableOne) --This will make sure the table is 100% empty.
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Dude you are actually a god haha, thank you so much it worked, I really have no idea what I would’ve done, like no one was even close to this.

Thanks again mate

One more thing I would like to point out is that table.remove actually returns what value corresponds to the index you removed from the table.

With this is in mind, you can change this:

local Room = TableOne[number]
table.remove(TableOne, number)

To just:

local Room = table.remove(TableOne, number)

API Reference: table | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

I actually need it though to be separate because I use the picked room in some functions.
Thanks for the suggestion tho

table.remove returns the value of that index. So @R_alatch’s suggestion is valid. As stated in the api document for tables. table | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

Removes from array t the element at position pos, returning the value of the removed element.


Thanks for linking the wiki, I’m on mobile and didn’t bother getting the link lol

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