How to replicated this function by myself?

hello im amaro, and i want to replicated something from other game on the site, and that a function on the hitbox of the strongest battlegrounds, i dont really know how they manage to make a combat that i really like, and i want to replicated and get a little bit inspired on, but there a problem, you see i add some stuff on the hitbox, like if the hitbox have the tag “air” only get the enemy on the air or when is standing, and bla bla, is basiclly a replica what is happening here

but the thing is that, when i try to test on, with the m1s i made, is just bad, could’nt get the next attack on the (take a focus on the frame of “combo hits” on the left corner):

im thinking to put a loop, or something, please say me a method to replicated what im showing, any advice will be thanked.

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helllooooooooooooooo?¿¿???¡¿? :moyai::moyai::moyai::moyai::moyai::moyai::moyai::moyai::moyai::moyai::moyai::moyai:

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