How to report ingame chat messages via DSA?

So i don’t usually make topics like this but this concerns me regarding illegal content. Roblox currently has a “Report via DSA” button ingame but this just redirects you to the website


This form only allows you to link content such as catalog assets, game pages or people’s profiles. I attempted to report users before via DSA for messages i can’t mention here by linking their profile but the only responses i get is:

(You don’t even get a chance to appeal)

(You get this response in a almost instant after trying to report ingame messages)

Both occours when trying to report ingame content such as chat messages or games. I basically got the same issue with games, DSA Mods might only take action if the game page itself is violating the rules directly (Such as scam thumbnail) but they don’t consider what happens inside the game it seems like.

My issue is that there are games that contains chat messages that are litterally illegal or direct bypasses. Also roblox added a new reporting menu but there isn’t a option to report via DSA.

Let’s say in this scenario the message would be worse and the username wouldn’t be directly violating the rules, how am i suppose to report the user via DSA? (Because i am not trusting AI Moderation)

I also contacted roblox support, after repeating they didn’t help. They keep saying that the report article is the solution which i repeatly told that this isn’t the solution because it didn’t answer my question. I asked in the past where one time they took it as a “Suggestion” and another they say their couldnt give info

(If you are wondering, they linked this article:

So am i missing something here? How to report chat messages via the illegal content report form properly because i can’t seem to figure it out