How to reset a single players leaderboard stat

I was testing some bugs on my game to see if people could hack Coins, and kills, and I came across one that worked, however I do not know how to reset my stats, so now I am at the top of the leader-board with 3B+ kills, I have tried other DevForum posts, but none of this is helping.

Here's some photos.

Here I tried to use this script from another post but this didn’t work, I do not know if I am using the wrong script and/or putting the script in the wrong place.


You can try setting each one of the stats to 0.

I don’t want to change everyone’s stats to 0 else I will get hate, and I will stop getting players.

There is a plugin which is called the Datastore editor plugin by Crazyman32 DataStore Editor
You can change your Data values of any player. Note that it is 15 robux.

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As @Uzixt said you can use the plugin he linked to reset a players stats.
If you however do not wish to purchase the plugin you could always reset the stats using the developer console command line to reset the players stats (this would however require them to be in game).
A simple line of code needed would be something along the lines of:

game.Players.Playername.leaderstats.Kills.Value = 0

And where it says Playername I change that to mine?

Yes, you would want to rename Playername to the name of the player whos stats you are altering