How to reset data using data store 2

How would i reset data using data store 2, Thank you in advance if you respond.


Found on this artical How do I reset datastores? - Scripting Helpers it states." you don’t delete the old data - You just don’t load it. This either means changing the name of the datastore, or changing how you generate the keys: If you’re generating the keys based such as "user_" .. Player.UserId , then resetting all player data is simple as changing user_ to something else."


I use separate datastores for every aspect of the data I save. “Moderation History”, “Inventory” for instance. Data I want to be able to wipe gets saved with a version. When I want to initiate a wipe I just type a version number to discard. And any version prior to that is simply not loaded. Then I instantiate new data.

I don’t use DataStore2 tho, so this might not actually answer your question. :stuck_out_tongue:

True, very true. Well I am going to test some things out for you. @M_Iiodas

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Your data Example for DataStore2 should be like this for .Combine

DataStore2.Combine(MainKey, OtherKey1, OtherKey2)

If you would like to reset/wipe data from DataStore2 then you would change OtherKey1 and OtherKey2 if you want to reset Key2 aswell.


You cannot reset data using DataStore2. Roblox has a DataStoreReset API, which allows you to reset a data store if necessary. To use this API, you must first set up the DataStoreReset service in your game and then call the appropriate methods to reset the data store.

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