Hello, is there a way to resize mouse icon? because… I used my own icon, and it went like: https://gyazo.com/511e647e7963ff1b064c924727bd5e91
Unfortunately, there is no way to resize it except by uploading a smaller image currently.
Alrighty, sad, there’s no way, it would be a good suggestion too.
I have been able to resize an icon. What I did was have an ImageLabel
sized to my needs. Then I did cursor.Icon = image_label.Image
and it worked.
Sorry for the bump but…
Doesn’t work.
I swear to god… this forum is only full of liars and thieves (of time). This is absolutely unacceptable the amount of garbage tips that are put into this place. It’s like actually unbelievable, I value my time very well and if people aren’t going to put thought and effort behind their posts then they shouldn’t even be posting at all! This is an outcry.
Judging from the fact that OP marked my reply as a solution, it seemed to have worked for him. I may be recalling incorrectly, but keep in mind that post is over a year old (approaching two!). I would recommend manually moving an image label which is sized to your needs then.
Some people say you need to get icon from imagelabel.image but it doesn’t work.
instead resize image with software or on website manually.