How to respawn as different character once I died?

Hey everyone! Thanks in advance for your time in looking through this question.
I am not sure if I asked this question correctly. Let me explain it a little bit better here.

I am creating a character selection system where players get to choose a new character to play when they die. This is how the sequence plays out in my mind.
1/ Player Dies
2/ Character Selection GUI pops up.
3/ Player makes selection
4/ Player spawns as new character.

The character that is available for selection can be humanoid or a monster. This means that I cannot load a character using HumanoidDescription, because their Rig will be different. I also cannot rely on StarterCharacter since, it doesn’t allow me to have multiple models in there.

At the moment. I can change to characters that have HumanoidDescription when the character is added. I can also change their appearance on the fly. But I am totally stumped on how to attached a custom model that is not a humanoid as playable character.

I also attempted to Destroy the current character and parent it with a new model.
And then add the new model to the workspace.

The below code is what I have tried. This works, but the camera no long moves along with the character. If I can get the camera system to go with it. I think that will hopefully solve my problem.

player.CharacterAdded:Connect( function( char )		
		char:WaitForChild( "Humanoid" ).Died:Connect( function( )
			local newModel = workspace.LadySpawn:Clone( );
			newModel.Parent = game.Workspace;
			newModel.HumanoidRootPart:SetNetworkOwner( player )
			player.Character = newModel;
			char:Destroy( )

Here is an example of a video I capture.

I hope that I am making some sense here. Any help would be appreciated.

UPDATE: I think have solve this issue. I found a thread here that shows the sequence on how to load he character properly.

This comment by goldenstein64 should be helpful in explaining what you need to do to change the player’s character (you might need to modify it slightly though, but the part that changes the character works well from what I can test). You can run the code within the respawnPlayer function whenever the player chooses a model from your Gui