How to retrieve server information like how RoPro does it


I have been exploring ways to retrieve information about Roblox servers, specifically details such as ping, server versions, and server locations. I am curious about how tools like RoPro manage to gather and display this data.

Is there a way to casually retrieve this information for a single server, or would it be possible to search through an entire game’s server list? Specifically, I am interested in solutions for evaluating server data, such as sorting by ping (from lowest to highest) or by server version (from most recent to oldest).

I assume that sorting by server version is based on the place’s version or its most recent update, but I would appreciate any clarification on this process.

Additionally, I would like to know if it’s feasible to carry out this type of data retrieval without encountering rate limits or the need for proxies.

I’ve looked at other posts on the forum, and I’ve seen some solutions where users retrieve this data, but I’m not sure if there are additional methods or optimizations that I haven’t come across yet, especially when trying to scale this up to larger amounts of data.

Any insights or recommendations on how to approach this would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!


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you need knowledge in coding languages like node js,c# etc

→ right click and open inspect element and open networks tab

after openning the networks tab you can see all the data sent from client to the server and returned data from server

if youre interested of fetching server information you can make request to url shown below :

The cursor is a base64 encoded data

example working payload :

you can also use http spy like wireshark or http debugger to see network traffic between roblox client and server

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