September 22, 2022, 8:12pm
I really didn’t like the new roblox UI and I don’t know how to revert to the old one or simply change it
September 22, 2022, 9:39pm
Search other posts about this. There are a couple that mention you can use 3rd party icons. As far as I can tell there’s been no way to revert to the previous one.
Right click on roblox studio on your desktop, then click “Open file location”
Then, go to “Textures” and replace ClassImages with
Maybe that will work?
September 23, 2022, 10:56am
Since the new updates, I noticed the icons got changed from their old counterparts to a newer design and while they aren’t bad, unfortunately I cannot properly discern the icons apart and it makes development 90% harder.
I have gone ahead and grabbed the original icons and have made them a icon pack for
Do note I am not a icon designer/artist I am just someone who wanted my old icons back and I decided to share it with the rest because s…
I made something for this if you want to use mod manager!
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