How to rotate a model without change Orientation value?

I was working on custom character modelling, but I made a mistake, character’s face don’t looking front so character’s animation broked, my character using Unions and Unions have so much parts, When I Seperate Union and Rotate all parts then union all parts, new Unions have same problem too, only orientation changed and this don’t fix it.

so I want rotate Union without change Orientation value.
thats like, if we create a wall and we want change rotation but we don’t want change orientation then we need just change z and change x or something like that, but my Union have so much part, and it’s not like changing the x and z values, I need to change the positions of all the pieces and I want easier way…


lmao While was about to ask this question, I tried a few things and found the solution, I’m writing it here so that others can benefit from it.

put Union to a model
Seperate the Union inside a model, then change the Origin Orientation value of the model, for example (0,-90.0) , then select the model’s children and set children’s Orientation values to (0,0,0), but if there are any rotated parts in the model add them to 0.90,0,

then create new model and put all children into the new model you created then fix the Orientation value of the old model by set to (0,0,0) then put all the children in the old one then repeat this process and when you are done you can delete the new model.

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how to make with code(more easier way):

local SelectedModel = game:GetService("Selection"):Get()[1]
local ModelChildren = a:GetChildren()
for _,BasePart in pairs(ModelChildren) do
	BasePart.Orientation =,0,0)
	BasePart.Parent = workspace
SelectedModel.Changed:Wait() -- When you change the model's Origin Orientation value, it automatically puts the children in the model (when you change another value, it also replaces it. Since we cannot change the Origin Orientation value with a script, the code expects you to change it manually)
for _,BasePart in pairs(ModelChildren) do
	BasePart.Parent = SelectedModel
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Or, find a Part in the Union that is oriented the way you want it, select it first, then select the other Union/Negated items and Union them together.
As long as the first part you select is oriented properly, the Union will follow that orientation.


that is, with all parts rotated 90 degrees, should we make 1 of them 0,0,0 and union on that part? but union is done on all parts, are you mean first part is this: FirstPart:UnionAsync({parts})

ohh, do you mean, game:GetService("Selected"):Get[1] is first part?

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Not when you use code, just when you are selecting Parts in Studio.

Select your first Part or Union, the one that is aligned correctly.
Select all the other Parts, Unions, or Negated items that make up the final item.
Union them.

You can also select the correctly aligned first, then select one of the other items and Union those 2. This will align the resulting Union to the 1st item chosen. Then continue selecting that Union and another Part/Union/Negated Part and Union them. Each time you do it if you select the first result with whatever you add to it the result will be oriented the right way.

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