How to rotate a weld to mimick a wheel spinning?

I have made a custom chassis, I am trying to do Wheel Movement before moving onto Mobile Support, however the only issue is I am trying to rotate the welds to mimic a wheel spinning since if I just change the wheel’s orientation rapidly it will get capped at 90, I have also tried other methods and it just shakes the car violently since it is welded.

					if InCar.PrimaryPart.AssemblyLinearVelocity.Magnitude <= VehicleSeat.MaxSpeed then
						InCar.PrimaryPart.AssemblyLinearVelocity += HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.LookVector * 2
					for _, Wheel in pairs(InCar:GetChildren()) do
						if Wheel:IsA("BasePart") and Wheel:FindFirstChild("_IsWheel") then
							--do wheel spinning here
							for _, Weld in pairs(Wheel:GetChildren()) do
								if Weld:IsA("Weld") then
									Weld.C0 *= CFrame.Angles(0, 0, 0.1)

Have found no other solutions yet.

Roblox has a HingeConstraint that may work better since it can also be an actuator.

See: Angular Power

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Which type would you recommend Servo or Motor?

Motor, a servo isn’t continuous.

Ok I got some good news and bad news, I rigged the wheels with HingeConstraints.

It makes the chassis low so I might have to adjust that if I can, we got wheel movement however there’s a few problems, it shakes the car violently if you go fast and I cannot control it, the chassis being low, and the wheels don’t look like they connect to the chassis quite well.

Any methods on how I can fix this?

You can make it run smooth by changing out the wheels.


Use a standard Roblox ball for the wheels.

Make the new ball wheels 100% transparent so they are not visible.

Make sure the ball wheel is set to collide.


Weld the PrimaryPart of your graphic wheels to the ball.

Make sure all parts of the graphic wheels are set to NOT collide.

Just use a Motor6D with an AnimationController, Then change its CurrentAngle or Adjust the C0/C1 CFrame.

Alternatively Make an animation for the wheel and set it on looped then play it when needed.