Goal is the get the upper part of the turret to rotate towards a target… I am using the part seen as the test subject.
Airship - Roblox Studio
As you can see, I set up the turret correctly, and here I just rotate the C0 of the motor6d by a constant.
But when I actually run the CFrame.lookAt() Code, it just tps part of it to a random location in the middle of no where…
Here is my code:
function BeetleMortar:SwivelTowardsTarget()
local Target = game.Workspace.PositionParttt
local SwivelJoint = self.Swivel
if not SwivelJoint or not Target then return end
local initialC0 = SwivelJoint.C0
local Connection = RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function(DeltaTime)
if not SwivelJoint or not Target then return end
local turretPosition = SwivelJoint.Parent.Parent:FindFirstChild("Shell").Position
local targetPosition = Target.Position
local targetCFrame = CFrame.lookAt(turretPosition, targetPosition)
-- SwivelJoint.C0 = SwivelJoint.C0 * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(10), 0)
SwivelJoint.C0 = targetCFrame
-- Store connection for cleanup later
if self.OpenConnections then
table.insert(self.OpenConnections, Connection)
Ultimately, the goal will be to lerp the orientation to look at the target, but I just have not been able to do that…Also if it helps, here is the hierarchy of the model:
Any info is appreciated! Thanks in advance!