Hello, I’ve been using SimplePath module for pathfinding in my games for quite a while, it’s a amazing module for pathfinding but something bothers me in my and it’s the way the character directly turns to the next waypoint very fast that it creates a unrealistic effect, I want to rotate my character to the next waypoint using TweenService, does anyone know how to achieve this?
or is there any other way to achieve this outside of using SimplePath Module.
Pathfinding in roblox is just sort of unrealistic and bad so maybe you’d need to use nodes if you have a pre-made map where you want the figures to only go in certain areas.
You could try doing something with agent parameters aswell but.
I think the best way could be to allow the pathfinding stuff to create the waypoints, and then move the figure to them through tweening in a for loop.
local pfs = game:GetService("pathfindingservice")
local path = pfs:CreatePath()
local HRP = -- Get your HumanoidRootPart
path:ComputeAsync(PointA, pointB)
local waypoints = path:GetWaypoints()
for i, wp in waypoints do
-- Tween each thing to the wp position im just too lazy rn
local dic = {Position = wp.Position}
local tween = Tween:Create(HRP, tweeninfo, dic)
task.wait(3) -- amount of time required on the wp space, this could be too less or too late depending on the spacing between the waypoints. So you'll need to adjust after viewing the outcome of this.