How to rotate tank turret with Weld.C0 CFrame [still need help]

I am trying to make tank system, I got stuck on turret rotation. I’ve tried this:

local hullPart = workspace["E-100"].Hull
local turretPart = workspace["E-100"].Turret

local w ="Weld")
w.Part0 = hullPart
w.Part1 = turretPart
w.C0 = hullPart.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(turretPart.CFrame)
w.C1 =
w.Name = "TurretWeld"
w.Parent = hullPart

local mouse = game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse()

local weld = hullPart.TurretWeld
while wait() do
	local n = math.rad(mouse.Hit.YVector.Y * 10)
	weld.C0 *= CFrame.Angles(0, n, 0)

I am not quiet sure on how to do it. It can be hinge constraint but I prefer weld method to rotate the turret. I just need to get angle to make the turret point at.

Yes I should use RunService instead of loop


local LookVector = mouse.Hit.LookVector

weld.C0 =, weld.C0.Position +, LookVector.Y, 0))

This makes the C0 to a cframe that’s origin is the current c0 position, then makes that is based off the c0’s current position + a vector representing the y component of the look vector.

might work but im not sure


It doesn’t work, oof.
The turret just looks up and does nothing.

Are you trying to only rotate about the y axis, or all 3 axes

lookVector instead of LookVector?

They’re the same property. lookVector however is deprecated in favor of LookVector.

This logic applies to :connect and :Connect. They’re the same function, but :connect is deprecated in favor of :Connect

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I think its only Y rotation. Something like World Of Tanks.

Do you want only the Y rotation though, or do you want all 3 axes.

I only want to rotate the turret in like circle, only Y rotation I believe.
Something like World Of Tanks Blitz does have.

Rotating turret around 360 degrees. Gun itself up and down, thats it.

Raycasting isn’t needed to get an angle.

I couldn’t figure out how to do it with welds so I tried a direct CFraming approach.

Are you trying to do this?

Good job, yes it can be. What about the turret?

? The black bar represents the barrel of the turret while the blue hinge reprsents the axle the turret turns about.

Oh, ok. I didn’t know that. It looks like it works well from looking at your .gif.

This is what I’m doing

	local MouseVector = Mouse.Hit.LookVector
	local YAngle = math.asin(MouseVector.Y)
	Barrel.CFrame = (Hinge.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(YAngle, 0, 0)) *, 0, - Barrel.Size.Z / 2)

Barrel is the tank barrel.
Hinge represents where the end of the barrel sits.


Yeah, you are helping me a lot here. I hope you will find the solution, I am trying too.

I had a similar thing I wanted to do, but it was a ship turret. What I would recommend is having a BodyGyro inside that turret, and have it be on a HingeContraint. The Hingeconstraint wont do anything, it would just keep the turret attached to the vehicle while allowing sideways movement.

Here’s a line taken from my ship turret script:
script.Parent.BodyGyro.CFrame =, mouse.p)

here, the BodyGyro made the gun move smoothly to where the mouse was. Turret Speed can be adjusted by BodyGyro.P Which is why I like this method. Though I just joined this conversation, so someone else could have suggested something better


This is what I used for my laser gun script. Same concept.
local char = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character
local rayParams =
rayParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist
rayParams.IgnoreWater = true
local raycast = workspace:Raycast(script.Parent.Handle.Position, (mouse.Hit.Position - char.PrimaryPart.Position).Unit * 50, rayParams)
local laser =“Part”, workspace)
laser.Size =, 1, (mouse.Hit.Position - char.PrimaryPart.Position).magnitude)
local forwardVector = (mouse.Hit.Position - char.PrimaryPart.Position).Unit
local upVector =, 1, 0)
local rightVector = forwardVector:Cross(upVector)
local upVector2 = rightVector:Cross(forwardVector)

	laser.CFrame = CFrame.fromMatrix(char.PrimaryPart.Position, rightVector, upVector2) *,0, -(mouse.Hit.Position - char.PrimaryPart.Position).magnitude / 2)


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Thank you very much, I figured on how to make fully working tank, the up and down gun works. The only thing I need is CFrame.angles based rotation for tank turret, it doesn’t need involve welds.

have you tried the BodyGyro thingy I did?
It should make the turret move by the Y axis by where your mouse is pointing at.