How to run a script when a player joins?

Hello! I know this is a silly question but i need to know the answer. Im trying to make a script run when a player joins and not when the die. Thisis a obby game and i dont want the player have to restart when the die. The script im using is this:

	print("someone joined")

Any help? Thanks!


This will only run when the player joins and does not run when the player dies

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Ok? Im confused because if i reset it takes me back to the main menu

robloxapp-20200705-1555523.wmv (450.7 KB)


That sounds like a separate issue. It seems like you have your UI set to reset on spawn. That piece of code right there that you posted in OP will only run when a player joins

All other scripts and UIs will run whenever they’re set to. That script right there does one thing: Print "someone joined" when a player joins.

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That looks like an issue with having ResetOnSpawn on on a starterGui object. I would have it start in a folder in replicated storage and change it’s parent to the localplayer’s Gui.


Probably this, but I would instead put it in StarterPlayerScripts, which is an easier way to store a LocalScript that won’t reset on death.


Ok thank you for your help! (30 chars)

This worked for me! Thanks! (why do they have this stupid 30 chars thing)

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