How to save a string value in datastore

  1. Trying to save a string value

  2. I am having trouble saving the string value.

local dataStore = game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("myDataStore")



	local playerUserId = "Player_"..plr.UserId

	local data
	local success, errormessage = pcall(function()
		data = dataStore:GetAsync(tostring(playerUserId))

	if success then
		if data ~= nil then
		plr.Character.FirstName.Value = data[1]
		plr.Character.LastName.Value = data[2]



	local playerUserId = "Player_"..plr.UserId

	local data = {plr.Character.FirstName.Value, plr.Character.LastName.Value}

	local success, errormessage = pcall(function()
		dataStore:SetAsync(tostring(playerUserId), data)

	if success then
		print("Data successfully saved.")
		print("Error when saving data.")
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What’s the issue? Does the data not load? Are there errors?

Keeps telling me attempt to index nil with ‘FirstName’

Does it occur within the PlayerAdded event or the PlayerRemoving event?

If it occurs in the PlayerAdded event, then that means that by the time the script gets the portion where it’s suppose to apply the DataStore values, the ValueBases have not yet been added to the player’s character.

If it occurs in the PlayerRemoving event, then that means that the ValueBases have been destroyed before the script could save the data.

It happens here, on playeradded on Data.FirstName

Judging by your screenshot, I assume you forgot to check if Data is not nil before proceeding

Would I just add after if success then if Data ~= nil then

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So it says data isn’t nil but when I print the data.LastName it returns blank.

That’s because (I assume) you didn’t make a default value to be placed into the StringValues when Data is nil.


if success then
  if data ~= nil then
    -- inserts the datastore's values
    -- inserts default values from the script

I put a default value and now that is all it is saving. When I leave it saves the default value instead of the new value.

Make sure you’re testing it in-game, studio’s DataStoreService can behave differently. And if you are testing in-game, I unfortunately can’t help you

can you try adding WaitForChild()