How to save arrays to datastores? (Datastore2)

Trying to save an array to a datastore but I get this error
18:51:14.221 - ServerScriptService.save_script:207: attempt to get length of a userdata value

a bit of my function that im running

		local child = terrain[i]
		if child:IsA("Part") then

Which line of the script provided are you getting that error?

You can save tables to a datastore the same as any other value.


local exampleTable = {
    val1 = "Cheese", 
    val2 = 4, 
    val3 = false}
datastore:SetAsync("DatastoreKey", exampleTable)


local loadedTable = datastore:GetAsync("DatastoreKey")
local val1 = loadedTable.val1
local val2 = loadedTable.val2
local val3 = loadedTable.val3
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Can you use indexes instead of names?