How to save data between places

Hello! i am making game where you start at lobby (starting place like in Doors) then ull be teleported to main game. But after winning in main game - player gets money so how to save data between 2 places (lobby and main game)

WARNING: i am using profile service so please help me or just tell me if it has same profiles inside the game between places

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There is a difference between saving data between places and universes. You need third party API for universes, but for different places, you can retrieve the data just the same. I’m sure this has been asked before, why not search your issue?

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i couldnt find. So u mean if ill add profile service in both places - they will link?

I’m not very familiar with that module, but if it doesn’t have special checks in place for the same place ID, then yes, it should work fine. It’s always good to test it yourself

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i am already testing, tysm for answering!

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update: IT WORKS WITH PROFILE SERVICE ( i just used same index and whole codes for both places )

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