So I Want Make when player leaving from 2nd place game somehow should sent current datastore to main place and then save datastore on main place, like in tower defense games
you use asset manager and create multiple places under same experience so they share the same datastore and keys
→ view
→ click asset manager
→ places
→ add new place
Oh, I know… I know! Maybe the Asset Manager can help with that: Multiple Places in One Experience, with the Exact “Same” DataStore Service. Also: When there will be the Same DataStore in Different Experience? There’s a Meta somewhere…
I Know how to make Places
I Want Make when you at 1st place and when you teleport from it to 2nd place it puts data from first place to 2nd place (I know how to make it)
but after player getting to 2nd place And player leaving from game (not teleporting to 1st place) with some data then when player joins back into game data should be same as 2nd place
just use PlayerRemoving evenet to detect when player leaves and save their data
when player leaving from 2nd place it should save player data on 1st place
it should if the place is created under the 1st place (you can do that from using asset manager) the datastore name and datastore keys should be same as place 1 as well
if you already made place using asset manager and that place doesnt properly save data than its most likely a script issue and if you need help scripting wise you would have to share code with others so they can take a look at it
thank you it was really easy, i just was silly, i was think you need something really hard to know for it. i was trying to find how to make it 3 - 4 months
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