How to save specific item data

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:
What do you want to achieve?
I want to save the data of an item the player has. My game will hat items and some weapons can be enchanted/may have stuff like durability you know? I want to save the data to a datastore for each player

What solutions have you tried so far?
I currently have an inventory data system in a table. I already tried saving a table within a table, but that doesnt work obviously. I thought about multiple datastores but thats extremely messy. What i am looking for is the most effective way to put an item into a table or other form of storable data and call it back later, along with its data such as Enchantments or such that’ll make it different than other items of the same model (i.e. a enchanted sword is different than a normal sword, or a sword with a different enchantment)

local datastoreModule = require(game.ServerScriptService.Data.MainModule);
local dataname = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.STORAGE.storageInfo.infoDatastores)[script.Name]

	local currentDatastore = datastoreModule(dataname, plr)
	local datatable = {

	if currentDatastore:Get() ~= nil then
		for i = 1,#datatable do
			if currentDatastore:Get()[i] == nil then
				table.move(datatable, i, i, i, currentDatastore:Get())
		datatable = currentDatastore:Get()

		if plr.Name == newplr.Name then
			if not plr.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Backpack") then return end
			local newinvtable = {}
			for i,Item in pairs(plr.Backpack:FindFirstChild("Backpack"):GetChildren()) do
				table.insert(newinvtable, Item.Name)


To achieve this you need to serialize whatever attributes a weapon can have. Here’s a tutorial:

Depending on the structure of your items, you’d insert additional things into your data table.



local ItemData = {
	Name = Item.Name

table.insert(newinvtable, ItemData)

This will allow you to expand on which things get saved, via adding new fields such as Enchantments and so on.

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