How to scale from studio to game

I had a question so when I make guis in roblox studio they are perfectly aligned and are in the perfect positions on even with the output, properties and explorer closed. But in game they are out of place and don’t fit the screen, I would send pictures but I’m not on my computer right now, I’ve tried auto scale the plug-in by @ZacBytes but it still doesn’t really help. Please let me know.

Someone please reply, still haven’t figured it out.

I’m not sure why this happens, but if you keep your settings the same and such, this will not effect the game when published.

editing the position in properties should work instead of moving it on the screen

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I know but, I don’t know the dimentions.

here try to understand this

Thanks I’ll take a look at it.

Change the first and third values in both position and size instead of second and fourth values.

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