Hello devs! I am not much of a scripter so I was curious, how do I script a rarity system? I have searched far and wide and found nothing that is simple enough for what I need.
What I need is:
I am trying to make a game where you click on a button, and you have like a 50% chance of getting a “Common” badge, a 35% chance of getting an “Uncommon” badge, a 10% chance of getting a “Rare” badge, etc. There would be some really extensive badges like “Godlike” where the chance is something ridiculous like 0.00000000000001% chance.
You should check out AlvinBlox’s YouTube Tutorial on how to make an egg hatching system because it teaches you how to hatch eggs with a chance of hatching a common, uncommon, rare, ultra-rare, and legendary pet.
You can also apply the same knowledge to your clicking game (or whatever it is) to get a badge with a 50% chance, a 35%, a 10%, etc.
type or paste code here
local Chance = math.random(1, ?) -- ur own number
if Chance <= 5 then -- ur own number too
-- you will need to write it yourself --
-- Hope this helps! --
I solved this problem quite recently, this is what I did
local function chooseIndex(multipliersArray)
local weightedSum = 0
for i,v in pairs(multipliersArray) do
weightedSum += v
local random = Random.new()
local rnd = random:NextNumber(0,weightedSum)
for i,v in pairs(multipliersArray) do
if rnd < v then
return i
rnd -= v
So multipliersArray would just be a dictionary for your multipliers, for example:
local multipliersArray = {
Common = 0.35,
Uncommon = 0.1,
Godlike = 0.00000000001,