How to Script all Minigame Maps

Anybody know how to script all this map…Pls help me script it

1st: Capture the Flag capture the most flag and win
2nd: Floor is Lava and be the last man standing
3rd: Find the Correct Door
4th: Escape the Killer and be the last man standing
5th: Escape the Maze before the time runs out
6th: Sword Fight and be the last man standing
7th: Hack all Computers and escape
8th: Escape Scary Man and escape

If you Decide to script only one its alright i understand its ok just tell me

You can’t ask for full scripts… There are tons of tutorials on how to make minigames

ok thank you and im sorry ill try my best

The developer forum isn’t about just asking for free scripts, and expecting people to create them for you free of charge, if you really want help, search on YouTube, google, the toolbox, or even hire a scripter. Or just learn to script. I’m sure they aren’t that tricky to design.

ok im so sorry guys i really am but im sorry for taking your time on chatting this TOpic

It’s ok. We all make mistakes.

thank you so much @Regenitical and im sorry i really am and you to @Valkyrop