How to script where the a update is published when a event ends?

I’m having a Halloween event for my game and I want to script it where it ends on the exact time the event ends View the event here

You will need to setup a time-based script so that requires real world time.

Script Example

local eventEndTime = 1730516400 -- Example end time (UNIX timestamp format)
local currentTime = os.time()

-- Function to check if the event has ended
local function checkEventEnd()
    if currentTime >= eventEndTime then
        print("Event has ended!")
        -- Trigger update, change game state, etc.
        print("Event is still ongoing.")

-- Function to publish event update
function publishEventUpdate()
    -- Insert your update logic here (e.g., show UI changes, update game features)
    print("Publishing update: Event has concluded.")

-- Schedule to check the event status every minute
while true do
    currentTime = os.time()
    wait(60) -- Wait 60 seconds before checking again