How to see owners of a specific gamepass?

I want to see the people that own a gamepass from my game, how would i do that (if possible)?

The way I would do this, since there is nothing in the Roblox API that allows you to do this, I would use a datastore to save who has the gamepass, you could do this with an OrderedDataStore and store each player (as their UserId) with the same value and then use the GetSortedAsync function to retrieve the pages. Or, you could use a normal GlobalDataStore to store a value with the key of the gamepass ID, and then store each player’s UserId in a table.

You can just go to the developer statistics of the game and download the excel spreadsheet of all the purchases and filter it to the gamepass that you are looking for

But that is only temporary. My solution allows for a quick and easy way to get and update who has the gamepass.

Yes but that would only work if he added it before releasing the game. If adding it after you would only be able to see the people who bought it after the system was added.

True, but he would still have to use my method if he wishes to continue recording the stuff

No, they can just download the latest spreadsheet from the statistics page.