How to select object through another locked object

Hi, I’m trying to figure out if it is possible to select Parts in studio that are behind or inside of another locked part.

I’m trying to write a plugin that uses Parts as control points. Each Part has a twin that is mirrored across an axis. I’d like to have a thin transparent box part on the axis that shows the extents of the current model (height and length relative to the mirror axis). I don’t want this thin box to be selectable, but I would like to be able to select other parts through it (or perhaps inside it if needed).

I’ve tried locking the part, but the locked part seems to catch the mouse click in some cases and doesn’t allow for selection of things behind/inside it. This turns my visual extents indicator into an obstacle. I say some cases because I’m able to select RodConstraints through it (for example), but not Parts.

Of course, I could use lines around the perimeter instead of a see-through wall, but that isn’t the effect I was hoping for. The model being created is mostly lines, so something different for the wall would be preferable. Before I give up on the approach above, does anyone know of a studio flag, class method, or workaround that might allow for a semi-transparent wall to behave as if it is completely invisible to the viewport mouse?

Thanks for your assistance!

You can simply add the locked part to the mouse target filter.


Oh yay! I hoped it was something easy. Thank you!