How to send a bubble chat that doesnt appear in chat (without disabling chat box)

is there a way to make a player send a bubble chat without appearing in the chat box so that only the players around him can see what he said but without disabling the chat box?


You can use TextChatService:DisplayBubble to display a bubble chat that is not displayed in the Chat GUI. However, this can only be ran on the client, meaning you’ll need to fire a RemoteEvent to all clients to use TextChatService:DisplayBubble on a specific player.


I found this solved topic, which I believe is what you are aiming to achieve.

Please remember to search on the Devforum yourself before making your own topic!!! :scream::o::ghost:

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I was thinking this as well, but this would only apply if you don’t want the message to appear in chat even if you’re close. Maybe it’s what the original poster was looking for though, I’m not sure.

It is what the OP was looking for I think ^^

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They’re asking for proximity chat but with the chat GUI enabled.


My bad, I thought they only wanted the message to not appear if you’re far away :stuck_out_tongue:

This is not what I asked for.
Please, before answering with ridicule, carefully read the question. :scream::o::ghost:

Sorry about that, I thought by

you meant that the message can also be seen in the chat box when close by. Misunderstanding on my part. However, you can also just modify the script in that other post to always return false. Then, the message will never appear in the chat box, and will only appear above the person’s head.

Additionally, from my experience with DisplayBubble, it is closer to the head than normal chat bubbles are, and is missing the point at the bottom. Using DisplayBubble would also require you to make your own chat system, unless you just make it so that any message sent in the chat box isn’t shown through the chat box nor the normal bubbles, and instead just sends the string as the message to be shown on the custom bubble.

However, I do wonder why you don’t want to disable the chat box when you just want to prevent any messages from going through :thinking:

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I don’t want to disable the chat box because I am trying to make button like this

Oh, alright, that makes sense. For this use case the topic I sent would make it more efficient. Make the function locally return true if it’s enabled, and return false if it’s the opposite.

The script you sent completely disables receiving messages so that they do not appear in the BubbleChat

Actually, I was wrong, the script seems to hide the bubble as well. The best solution would be to mix this alongside the other solution involving the DisplayBubble function. The script hides the message in chat and also has a reference to the message, so you can just use message.Text as the second parameter for DisplayBubble on all clients. To prevent unnecessary firing (like for people all the way on the other end of the map) just fire only for people nearby.

EDIT: Also please note that with this solution the graphical difference issues with the text bubbles still apply. I’m not currently on my laptop, but when I do get it back, I’ll test a few other possible solutions and get back to you.

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