just for clarification, youre trying to send a string from a text input ui object? so you can review it later?
vbs is not efficient at all for this it would be better just to use a webhook with httpservice
using vbs to store a string for later makes little sense and it would be more complex then using a webhook but if you really want to do this ig you can send it to a local server and put it in the vbs script
Another thing is would you really want hackers to be able to change that variable to a function within vbs that breaks stuff on your system (if thats even possible but vbs is very odd like that)
I don’t think there are tools for external editors to access roblox scripts in real time.
Don’t think they can run a function in the strings
(just going to make the input of the player into a string)
(vbs code)
x=msgbox("Message", 3+64, "Title")
To send a string from Roblox to a VBScript (.vbs) file in Windows 10, you’ll need to use a method of inter-process communication. Since Roblox and VBScript run in different environments, you can achieve this by having Roblox write data to a file or use other mechanisms like HTTP requests.