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How to send string from Roblox to VBScript Script File (.vbs) in Windows 10 -
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Can’t find a way to do this -
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No solutions on dev forum including VBScript Script File
What is VBScript and what do you mean linking a script to Roblox? You mean importing the script to roblox studio?
Are you want simulating Visual Basic in Roblox?
why would you even want to use visual basic for roblox? anyway rephrase “link Roblox to VBScript” because i dont understand that
Send String (from roblox) → VBScript
VBScript is visual basic its a file type
Im not trying to simulate visual basic i just want string from roblox to visual basic (VBScript)
i dont understand that, you want to access a string inside robloxs memory inside VB?
I Think using Node.js to open a server on localhost:8080 (private) and send from Roblox and then receive from another Client VBScript?
Ok im going to try what you said
VBScript trying to access a string from roblox script
yeah your best bet is to just use what ram said, and while youre at it switch to C# instead of VB (if possible)
But coding is very hard. It’s better not to try.
So you want to convert .lua file to .vbs or you want the lua code to be converted to visual basic?
.vbs trying to access luau string (from roblox studio in a script)
Why is .vbs trying to access luau string?
For like a bug report / feature request system where the player can input a string (Dont ask why i wanna use vbs)
Oh so you want to edit roblox script via VBScript in real-time?
No, I am not trying to edit roblox script, I am trying to get a variable which the value of is a string