Hello, I am trying to make a billboard gui over a character and I have run into an issue. i am trying to make it so the gui will get bigger/smaller depending on your distance from that character and I know this means using offset instead of scale. But what I cannot figure out is how to set a max and minimum size to the gui so it doesn’t get too big or too small. How would I do this?
You should be using Scale to prevent it from being too big and too small.
But i do not want it to stay as 1 size. Scale keeps it constantly 1 size.
You need to set the DistanceLowerLimit and DistanceUpperLimit of the BillboardGui to limit the size once you are at a certain distance.
I don’t see those properties? Do I need to enable something?
Are you selected on the BillboardGui?
Yes. Are you able to see it? Or maybe it can only be set in a script which wouldn’t make much sense to me.
You can try setting it by the Command Bar or Script.
I tried it in the command bar and it didn’t seem to have any effect, but it didn’t error so the property exists. Maybe it’s disabled?
I just tried it 8 months later. Doesn’t seem to change anything.
I was able to set a minimum size to my GUI by using a combination of scale and offset in the size. The Scale value denotes how large it is in Studs in the workspace (which will get smaller with distance) while the Offset value denotes its pixel size on screen. The Scale value that you set will be affected by distance while setting an Offset value will prevent it from ever being smaller than a certain pixel size.
BillboardGui.Size, TextLabel.Size, and TextLabel.Position all must be in scale.
Another requirement is that TextLabel.TextScaled = true
I don’t know how you would do this with an ImageLabel, but I found these four steps allowed for text that didn’t change size. (at least no more then a brick changes its size when you walk away from it.)
I hope this helps someone in some way.