How to set a model’s rotation to the same as a part

Hello everyone, I’ve been making a car spawned lately and have managed to extract cars from ServerStorage to MoveTo() a part’s position using the Primary part.
Although I have managed to move the car to the part’s position, I would also like to rotate it to match the part’s rotation. I thought maybe PivotTo() would help as their names seemed similar, so tried but failed. I didn’t use CFrame because it would depend on how the “relative rotation” - if we can say that - between the model and the part.
How can I set the model’s rotation to match the one of the part?

local part = ...
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Also here is the code I’ve got so far:

	local car = game:GetService("ServerStorage").Formula1:WaitForChild(script.Parent.Parent.Team.Value):Clone()
	car.Parent = game.Workspace["MWR F1 2022"]
	car.PrimaryPart = car:WaitForChild("DriveSeat")
	car.PrimaryPart = car.Wheels.FR

Oh… Is it really that simple? In that case, sorry for wasting your time :sweat_smile:

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