How to set a part's Cframe to point at a random set target position

If you don’t know what I mean the problem is I want the part’s orientation point to the set target position, The part will move by a linear tween animation and hit a random position in an area of 640x640x320 studs3

local q = asteroid:Clone() -- part
local goal = {Position =,320),math.random(20,320),math.random(-320,320))}
q.Position = wp.Plate.Position + fp 
			if (pp:IsA("BasePart") and pp:IsDescendantOf(wp.Builds)) then
				ontouch(q) --explode function
		Wait(2.2) -- Shoot cooldown
		q.Parent = wp -- parented last

Everything worked fine, no errors but I just want to set its CFrame pointed to the random target position given by the target area. Any help on how to do that?

You could use the CFrame.lookAt-constructor. You should give it the meteor’s position as the first argument and the target position as the second argument.

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This sounds like it might be able to help you.