How to set a value in table with a function

Lets say I have a table

local module = {
	gems = 1,
	gold = 20,
	Ownedpets = {
		dog = {
			multiplier = 999

I want to make 1 function that sets the value to what it is supposed to be and it also fires a remoteEvent (script.remoteEvent) and an event (script.event)
The thing is, I dont know how to do that, and what ive tried doesnt work

btw I only want 1 function


I’m confused on what you’re asking. Are you trying to update the table or do something else?

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i assume u are using a module script
its simple to make a function that change the value of a table in a module script

u could first make the function, then to set a value just
get the tables value like for example Table.selectedvalue, then do what u want with it, u could also pass those values using a remote event if thats what u wanna do.


local module = {
	a = 1,
	b = 2,
	c = true

	local remoteEvent = script:WaitForChild("RemoteEvent")
	module.a += 1 -- setting a value
	remoteEvent:FireServer(module.a, module.b, module.c) -- fire remote event

return module
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i assume u just need to change script.remoteEvent to script:WaitForChild(“remoteEvent”)

This is not what OP is asking for. Please read it again.

what is he asking for if i may ask?

Refer to the context. He is trying to edit a player’s currencies (gems, gold) and send the new updated value through a remote event. Same for pets.

[quote=“Vex, post:1, topic:3078048, full:true, username:kittykitkat_0510”]
Lets say I have a table

-- Assuming you have a RemoteEvent and an Event defined somewhere in your script
local remoteEvent = script.remoteEvent
local event = script.event

-- Define your module table
local module = {
	gems = 1,
	gold = 20,
	Ownedpets = {
		dog = {
			multiplier = 999

-- Function to set a nested value in the module table
local function setNestedValue(tbl, keyPath, value)
	local keys = keyPath:split(".")
	local current = tbl
	for i = 1, #keys - 1 do
		current = current[keys[i]]
	current[keys[#keys]] = value

-- Function to set a value in the module table and fire both events
local function setValueAndFireEvents(keyPath, value)
	if keyPath:find("%.") then
		setNestedValue(module, keyPath, value)
		module[keyPath] = value

	-- Fire the RemoteEvent
	remoteEvent:FireServer(keyPath, value)

	-- Fire the Event
	event:Fire(keyPath, value)

-- Example usage
setValueAndFireEvents("gems", 10)
setValueAndFireEvents("", 1000)
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OP pls give more information on what you want to make cuz it could mean many things

OP do you mean like the issue is firing a remote event from a module or what cuz its confusing

I mean like I want .Changed but for a table

The code I provided solves the problem you are asking.

Try to use the __newindex metamethod for tables, this will call the function whenever its trying to set the value of a field.

Fires when table[index] tries to be set (table[index] = value), if table[index] is nil. Can also be set to a table, in which case that table will be indexed.

Refer Metatables and its Metamethods

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Use the RobloxAPI for this.


I was replying to the other guy btw.
Thanks a lot for the code!

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This is another good way to handle this and was my first thought. My main concern would be that, metatables are shallow to the table they are attached to. This means, to update nested tables you need to implement a recursive solution. Nonetheless, for simple nested table structures this would be fine.

I will note, metatables have a large memory footprint and they are slow and clunky. If you use metatables it is wise to use them in rare instances where they are deemed a must.