There’s little to no information regarding AlignPosition.Active. I have objects following me, when I fall off the map, some of the AlignPositions are being set to Active. Their Position values and everything else is still updating correctly, but since .Active is false they aren’t moving
if DistanceFromCharacter > TELEPORT_NUKE_TO_CHARACTER then -- Snap straight to character
if AlignPosition.Enabled then
AlignPosition.Enabled = false
if not AlignPosition.Enabled then
AlignPosition.Enabled = true
AlignPosition.Position = HoverPosition
Only some have their Active property set to false that’s whats confusing
I noticed that at -500 is when it transitioned from true to false. FallenPartsDestroyHeight is set to -500. That’s the issue. I had to increase that property and write my own character fall of map kill code and that fixed my issue