How to set max force to body mover?

I have problem, that I need to set max force to body mover, that when i have block as normal, the max force will be,9999999999,0), but when i rotate it, the max force will rotate same, so the block can free rotate at object x and z, but cant rotate at y. So, when I have got car, it have got force to steer, but will free rotate by terrain. Is this possible?
I tried using CFrame:vectorToWorldSpace, but the max looked as this 4 999 999 999.5,4 999 999 999.5,0, so it was blocked on world y and x.

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You could try using a BodyGyro object.

The BodyGyro object applies a torque (rotational force) on a BasePart such that it maintains a constant angular displacement, or orientation.

And to do same with BodyVelocity?

You can use more than one type of body mover in the same object. You can put both the BodyVelocity and BodyGyro object in your part and make them work with each other.

Ya, but now i am using BodyVelocity and BodyAngularVelocity and i am asking, how to do the same for BodyVelocity.

And Now I looked on BodyGygo, and I saw, that it also have MaxTorque.

Because now, the car does this:

Some random images of the problem