How to set positions using attachments

Model 1:

Model 2:

What I want to do is move the Drink to the table using the positions I have already made with the attachments but I don’t know how I would do that or if I even set it up right, or even what to code. Any help or advice is appericated.

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Thankfully the work is done for you! There’s a super neat constraint you can use for exactly this purpose, just add an attachment to the Drink model and use a RigidConstraint to snap the attachments together in the same place! Super easy to script

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Hmm, I wasn’t able to get this to work even after looking into this many times. All that happens is gray lines appear, not sure what it means but still, nothing changed in game. Maybe some pictures would help?

Drink attachemnt:

Table attachments:

I just want the drink attachment to go to one of the green ones! :confused:

That’s likely because the models are anchored, I forgot to mention that
You can alternatively use Model:PivotTo, which requires you to set the pivot of the Drink model using the studio pivot editor, but it’ll work with anchored models


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