How to set up trams in Allen123462's Tram simulator?

Last update: 2023-11-16T11:00:00Z
Linked game version: Alpha 1.96
Hello! I’m glad to see you here! If you are here than you have problems with set up any of vehicles in game. Let’s start this theme.

Tatra T6B5


Ctrl + [key] - inversed function 
    Z - Left blink
    C - Right blink
    W - Add accelerating
    S - Add braking
    X - Reset accelerating
    E Q - Direction
    H - Horn
    J - Headlights Ctrl supported
    L - Light in salon Ctrl supported
    R - Panel lights Ctrl supported
    K - Cabin light Ctrl supported
    M - Control Switch Ctrl supported
    A - Left mirror
    D - Right mirror

After choosing any location spawn your tram.

Now, you are in a tram. Move to cabin :point_up:
Next step will be pick up a crowbar:

Than sit on driver seat(Image 4):

This is driver panel (Image 5). First your step will be turning on Control Switch (red). You can do it by pressing two times LMB on it or Keycode M. If your tram start to make an annoying sound it’s great due your doing all correct. To turn tram off click RMB on it or use inverse function keycode + control switch keycode.

Next stage will be direction. Before try to change it, make sure that you haven’t changed accelerating before (press keycode X to reset it). After it you can change it by pressing on it (green) LMB or keycode E. To go back press two times (RMB or keycode Q).
Next step will be light. You NEED to turn on first state of headlights (blue) by pressing on it LMB or keycode J. If you want to turn off headlights click of RMB or use inverse key code + headlights keycode.

Little info about doors. There are no keycodes, which can control them so you need to use physical buttons (yellow – all doors; orange – driver door)

Now let’s turn around by right side and look to back panel (Image 6). Here your need to click on pantograph button (red).

Buse BS100

Buse BS100 is in-game Destination system. To start use it turn on Buse RDST (image 1)
image 1
Next step is be main block(image 2).
image 2
First step is choose a line.
Array of lines below:

num1      num2     direction
12        012      West Forest > West Railway station 
17        017      West Forest > 11 road.....
 0        999      Not in service 
 0        998      Going to depot
 0        997      Testing
 0        996      Reserve
 0        995      Quiet hour Don`t touch me (for afk. use only at last stop. Make sure 
                   that you won`t disturb other players and won`t create any trouble with 

For example we choose line 17. To set up it click on num1 (image 3(red))
image 3

After if buse`s display must show text below (image 4)
image 4
Now use numpad (image 3(yellow area)) and set there text to 17(num1>num7):
Next click “Accept” (:white_check_mark:)
Then click on num2 (image 3 (orange)). Now use numpad (image 3(yellow area)) and set there text to 017 (num0>num1>num7):
Next click “Accept” (:white_check_mark:)
If you want to cancel entering click “Cancel” (:negative_squared_cross_mark:)
After this manipulations all displays will show direction
(Note: Upper text mean from; lower text mean to)

To swap their positions click num9 (image 3(green))

That’s first version of it so don’t judge me. I’ll update this theme every time as it need.