How to set up the Version Tracker Product
the Version Tracker comes with Version logs that use a key blind (Key like “L” on your keyboard)
step 1: Open the Version Tracker Product you will see Folders called “ReplicatedStorage” & “StarterGui” Open both of them up
Step 2: Move “UIManger” out of ReplicatedStorage Folder and put it in ReplicatedStorage
Move the “Versionlog” into StarterGui
So if you want to update the key blind to open the version log panel
you need to open UIManger and go down to lines 60-65
then Remove the “L” and replace it with the key Blind of your choice
then open Versionlog GUI and open “Updatelog” open “X” then open LocalScript go to lines 43- 50 UIManager also will help you update your list go to the top of the code like this:

if you ONLY want Version text you can remove UImanger & Updatelog frame only but keep the Versionlog GUI
your setup for that should look like this:
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